Earlier this week on Monday, Woodbridge hosted cricket in School versus RHS. With some excellent conditions and close play resulting in a win for our Year 10 players, by just one run, our report holds more details.

Woodbridge U15B vs. RHS, Cricket report
With the cricket pitch gleaming in the sunshine, Woodbridge U15B Girls cricket team hosted RHS in what was to become an extremely well and closely played match.
The team worked hard, really bringing tension to the match in the last two overs where RHS had to score 19 to win. With this in their sights, Nancy and Issy bowled brilliantly, with Issy taking a catch off her own bowling to take five runs of the RHS total – saving Woodbridge and giving us the match by just one run!
Great bowling also by Tilly and Eliza – with Eliza bowling one of the RHS players out, and Jassy taking two wickets also.
Phoebe D took a great caught and bowled, as well as a stumping, and Phoebe R and Lucy took a wicket each from a stumping. There was some good batting and running from Georgia and Eliza when they got into their stride, and Alice and Lyrah. Poppy fielded brilliantly and Rose bowled much better than she thought she would!
Well done to all and a great close game!