Our Pre-Prep School performed their nativity, Baubles, last week, telling the story of the wonderful caretaker of a Primary school, called Mr Potts.

Even though he is incredibly tired from this term’s work, he toils overnight every night in the lead up to the end of term in his workshop, working with mice to make picture baubles for the children to hang on their tree in School which has been sorely forgotten and left quite bare.

The baubles depict key moments from the nativity journey alongside some funny characters like directionally challenged Kings and a sheep who just can’t stay awake even during the angelic visitation!

The children performed beautifully, and clearly enjoyed every minute of the nativity, their hard work during rehearsals with Mrs Duehring clear to see. They were ably supported by a fantastic Sixth Form festive Band with Mrs Petts on the piano.

We hope you had the chance to come along and enjoy the performance, it was a joy for all and really was truly tree-mendous!