Audiences at the The Seckford Theatre were treated to a visual and musical delight with the Prep School Wind in the Willows performances this week, from children in Years 5 and 6.

Set in the English Countryside, along the river bank, on the open road, underground and in the Wild Wood, the ever-endearing story of true friendship between animal friends was told in style on a clever set and with a large locomotive and a working motor car no less!
Ratty (Amelie), Mole (Freya) and Badger (Annabel) patiently stand by their friend Toad (George) as his latest passion for motor cars gets him in serious trouble and eventually lands him in jail. Dramatically sentenced to 20 years by the Chairman of the Board of Magistrates, the jailer’s daughter comes to the aid of the sorry Toad with an ingenious plan – in return for a few ‘bob’ of course!

After an elaborate escape from jail dressed as a washerwoman, with a ride on a barge and help from two train drivers, Toad eventually makes it back to his friends only to discover that the pesky Wild Wooders have taken over Toad Hall. But no fear, Toad’s loyal friends have a plan.
Outwitting the army of weasels and stoats with a surprise attack during a party, the fab four take back Toad Hall and reinstate it to its rightful owner – a humble and thankful Toad.

Talented musicians playing on the sax, cornet, trombone, violin, viola, cello, bass guitar, keyboard and drums brought the story to life through the musical numbers supported by a wonderful chorus of Year 5 singers who sang with real energy and enthusiasm.
Clearly a lot of work and effort went into rehearsals both on stage and behind the scenes, by students and by staff, and everyone involved should be extremely proud of the production.
Poop Poop!