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U12 Rounders – What a Team!

8 Aug 14

The undefeated U12A team finished its season in style at the RHS U12A rounders tournament: the first two matches against St Alban’s and Farlingaye were very convincing wins (12-2 and 12½-4) and perfect preparation for the altogether more challenging game against the hosts. 6-4 sufficed! That in turn proved precursor to the semi-finals – RHS again; victory again: 6½-4 this time. The final against Ipswich High could not have been closer… it was a tie: 11½ each, with thrilling hitting and exceptional catching throughout.

Harriet Petley and Amy Graham (wonderful hitting), Sarah Barker and Freya Huxley (clever match play) led the way, inspiring a brilliant team performance from all at the tournament.

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