The results of the Tutor Group Photography Competition have been announced! The most popular categories were ‘Beautiful Suffolk’ and ‘Natural World’, both of which had some lovely photos, but there were amazing entries across all categories. Well done to everyone for such great images!
Beautiful Suffolk
Year 7/8 Winner = Katie (Year 8)

Year 9/10 joint winners = Samson and Alex (Year 9)

3rd = Tobias (Year 9)

Natural World
Year 7/8 Winner = Ella (Year 7)

Year 9/10 Winner = Brucey

2nd = Samson

3rd = William

Commended = Finlay and Edward (both Year 9)

My Family and Other Animals
Year 7/8 Winner = Katie (Year 8)

Year 9/10 Winner = Hannah (Year 10)

2nd = Samson (Year 9)

3rd = Tobias (Year 9)

Sport in Motion
Year 7/8 Winner = Katie (Year 8)

Year 9/10 Winner = Tobias (Year 9)

Overall Portfolio Winners
Year 7/8 Winner = Katie (Year 8)
Year 9/10 = Brucey (Year 9)