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21st-century philanthropists

In supporting the School, modern day benefactors can have a huge influence on the future outcomes of gifted, intelligent children who are not in a position to help themselves. 

Would you be able to help us help them? There are a number of ways to offer support:

Bursary sponsorship

Bursaries are a vital lifeline to exceptional children whose families may not be able to afford the full cost of attending Woodbridge School. Learn more about how you can help change a life.

Help make great futures happen

The OWs Tree

A beautiful metal sculpture to remember past students in perpetuity, the OWs’ Tree was commissioned and forged by hand by a local Suffolk artist, which is on permanent display in School Hall.   The names of OWs are engraved onto individual brass leaves and hang on the tree as a testimony to their participation in the life of the School.

As well as being a wonderful visual reminder of our alumni the OWs’ Tree will help to grow our Bursary Fund, which is needed now more than ever.  Suffolk parents and children need schools which are ambitious for their pupils and able to provide strong academic standards, preparing them for 21st century careers.  One in ten pupils in our Senior School is now on a means-tested bursary, but there are many more young people in our local community who could benefit from a Woodbridge education such as Neil…

“All of us have particular points that we consider to have been especially important when growing up. For me, one of these decisive moments was being offered a bursary-funded place at Woodbridge School. Clearly the academic aspect of any school is vital; the education I received at Woodbridge was of the highest level, and led on to me gaining a place at Cambridge University.

Beyond academia the extra-curricular opportunities were exceptional and varied, enabling me to pursue interests in both sport and music which I continue to enjoy. I would not have been able to study at Woodbridge without the bursary I received, and the wider encouragement in my personal and academic development made a huge difference to me.

I am extremely grateful to all who made it possible for me to attend as I can now say, with great confidence, I would not be where I am today without Woodbridge School.”

Neil Alderton, OW 2001-2008


To simply make a much-appreciated donation, please contact the school office or the Finance Department. A member of staff will be happy to provide you with further information on the next steps.

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    Get your OW leaf

    To get your name or the name of an OW friend engraved on a leaf, complete the form below. A minimum gift of £100 is required.

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