A Day in the Life at Woodbridge Sixth Form
Life at Woodbridge Sixth Form encompasses not only your chosen academic studies, but also a range of fulfilling personal interests. With more independence and control over your time, there are opportunities to exchange ideas, plan, imagine, discuss and create, as well as to study and deliver excellent coursework.

The atmosphere and ethos
Moving beyond the GCSE environment, young people deserve to be treated in a more adult way.
While being a nurturing School at heart, staff at Woodbridge Sixth Form take a step back to allow young people to develop more self-determination and have more control over their studies.
This results not only in a greater sense of responsibility but also in a higher level of personal commitment, fulfilment and satisfaction around their work – and all in a highly supportive environment.

Academic coursework in Sixth Form is as much geared towards self-initiated study as traditional guided teaching.
Students will attend classes, but will also routinely spend time on their own research, study projects, creative work or extra reading, according to their course programme. Motivation and support is always high as you work towards your chosen life path.

Tutor groups
At 10.40am every day, students gather in their Tutor groups to hear school announcements, and discuss any current issues they may be experiencing.
Sixth Formers are able to talk openly about their progress and exchange tips on approaching homework and other tasks.
Relationships between students and staff are very close, and students are encouraged to spend time on House competitions, personal projects and thinking about their future options.

Pastoral care and wellbeing
Mindfulness and wellbeing are a key part of Woodbridge’s success when it comes to nurturing capable, diligent, kind and responsible individuals. With one-third of our staff trained as youth mental health first-aiders, we are always ready to ensure no one slips by the wayside and everyone can perform at their full potential.
The welfare of every student is paramount, and Woodbridge offers a wide range of care and support for any concern.

On Tuesday afternoons, students can participate in traditional team sports such as hockey, rugby, cricket and netball, with the opportunity to represent the School at match fixtures.
In addition, a variety of other activities are available, such as running, gym, badminton, sailing, football and swimming. We try to find a physical activity for all members of the Sixth Form to benefit from socially and physically.

Co-curricular activities
Throughout School life, Woodbridge places social and emotional development alongside academic and intellectual progress. After-school clubs take place throughout the week, but the main focus is the Seckford Scheme on Friday afternoons, when students can participate in the Combined Cadet Force (CCF), Sports Leadership Award Scheme, theatre tech, indoor wall climbing, digital photography, to name just a few opportunities. However, there are a host of other clubs and activities on offer.

Break times
A welcome highlight for most students, break times are typically a chance to grab a snack, find a spot to relax and socialise with friends and let your mind rest between activities.
Sixth Formers are permitted to leave the School grounds to get coffees or lunch in town, or alternatively you may want to join one of the lunchtime clubs for some co-curricular activity.

Nutritious meals
The Chefs at Woodbridge School create nutritious and delicious food onsite everyday. Our food is local sourced to the highest standards whilst maintaining our environmental ethos.
All meals are served in the Tuckwell Dining Hall with staff and students enjoying the communal atmosphere. From meat-free Mondays and Fish Fridays to our beautiful daily salad bar, there is something to whet the appetite for all.

Online safety and security
We take online safety and security very seriously at Woodbridge Sixth Form, ensuring students have the skills to deal with any situation that may occur.
Updates about using technology are communicated to both parents and students, and we have confidence that the technological resources that are part of our daily lives can be used safely and effectively.
Want to see for yourself?
In addition to our open days, we welcome visits from parents and children looking for the right foundation for life ahead. We’ll be happy to show you around and answer any questions you have about our School, staff and the support we offer our students.