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Salamanca 2024

14 Jun 24

Having visited museums and markets, seen monuments and an array of art, our Year 9 Intensive Spanish and Year 12 A level students have now returned from their trip to Salamanca. They’ve had an amazing time exploring the city, enjoying the culture and immersing themselves in the language while staying with local families.

Year 9’s Annie and Year 12’s Millie share their thoughts on the trip. 

Year 12’s Millie 

What an amazing trip!  We were really able to immerse ourselves in the Spanish culture; food-wise we made tortilla de patatas and sangría and we went out for tapas with the teachers.   

As Salamanca is an historic city, we visited the two cathedrals and climbed the tower of the Catedral Vieja for spectacular views of the city.  

The Art Deco Museum had colourful stained glass windows, pots with interesting patterns and a room full of creepy dolls!  

Salamanca is a very vibrant city with many murals in the Barrio del Oeste.  

My favourite part was seeing the lights turn on in the Plaza Mayor at night with an ice cream!   

Year 9’s Annie 

Spending a week in Salamanca with my friends and the School was a truly fantastic experience.  

The week was packed full of learning, eating and experiencing the sites and life of Salamanca!  

We stayed with a Spanish host who looked after us for the week.  Although we didn’t understand everything she said, we all thought by the end of our week our Spanish had improved a lot!  

Every morning we went to school, the lessons were fun and packed full of activities.  In the afternoon we got to experience Spanish life by taking part in activities such as salsa dancing, a tapas tour and walking up to the top of the cathedral.  

It was an incredible week full of laughter, friendship and new experiences that I would recommend to everyone. 

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