Woodbridge school equestrian team have competed in three National qualifying competitions this term already. With details from Forest Edge, Poplar Park and Brook Farm, our reports below include details of the competitions, riders and their performances.
Forest Edge, Show Jumping
Travelling to the Forest Edge Arena in Norfolk for Show Jumping, our riders were there to qualify for the NSEA Championships, which take place in Addington in October. It was a successful day for the Woodbridge riders, with Year 8’s Jasmine starting off with a win in the 60cm warm up, followed by all four teams qualifying. It was also a win for the 70cm team, comprised of Year 8’s Jasmine, along with Year 7’s Daisy, Kirsty and Tati. The 80cm teams of Year 7’s Daisy and Tati, Year 9’s Grace, with Year 10’s Harry and Daisy, saw Harry and Year 10’s Edie qualify in first and second places. The 80cms teams of Daisy, Grace, Tati and Harry (team 1) and Daisy, Harry and Edie (team 2) qualified in first and second places respectively. Edie, Harry and Grace also went on to win the 90cm jumping. Well done everyone!

Poplar Park, Eventers Challenge
The next qualifier was a local one at Poplar Park on Saturday 15 February. This was an Eventers Challenge which is a mix of show jumping and cross country. Both 80cm teams qualified, with our team of Year 10’s Edi, Year 9’s Grace and Year 7’s Daisy taking the win; while our team of Grace, Year 10’s Zac Y10 and Daisy came in second place. We also had individual qualifiers with Year 8’s Kirsty taking second place in the 70cm, while Year 9’s Grace not only won the 80cm but also came second in the 90cm to qualify for the NSEA Championships at Hickstead in May. It certainly was a good day for Woodbridge, especially Grace, congratulations to all of them.

Brook Farm, Eventers Challenge
An Eventers Challenge at Brook Farm in Essex on Sunday 23 February saw our team of Year 7’s Daisy and Tati, with Year 9’s Grace go on to win the 70cm. The 80 team of Year 7’s Daisy, Year 9’s Grace and Year 10’s Harry also won, as did the 90cm team of Year 10’s Harry, Zac and Edie, with Year 9’s Grace. Individual qualifiers saw Daisy come in first place, while Grace came in third in the 70cm, while Harry took first, Daisy took second, and Grace took third place in the 80cm. Grace also took first place in the 90cm, while Harry took fourth. Another wonderful day for Woodbridge at Brook Farm, well done everyone.