Mrs Brown, Assistant Head (Pastoral) at Woodbridge School has been working hard introducing proactive, positive measures to support students’ mental health.
Mindful of students’ experiences throughout Covid, lockdowns and the lasting impact this has had on many of our students, Mrs Brown has put various measures in place to support the promotion of positive well-being throughout the School. Covid added to the usual stresses and strains of being teenagers and our young people are often surrounded by the pressures from and, the impact of, social media. Equipping students to navigate these waters is a key aim.
Alongside an open-door policy allowing students to drop in to see her for support, she has also introduced specific support through tutor sessions. Students from every year group are encouraged and given the opportunity to spend time focusing on a number of proposed topics when they meet with tutors during the week, and during January those topics have included:
- Understanding anxiety and why it’s not a bad thing
- Guide to stressful situations for young people
- Guide to managing social media for young people
- Playing sports benefits your body and benefits to mental well being
Outcomes from these tutor sessions can be shared with Mrs Brown by teachers and/or students, or students can approach her individually, to put in place action plans for those who want and need additional support.
Future plans include podcasts focusing on different areas associated with well-being, broadening the buddy system and a well-being check-in platform that is currently being trialed by Year 10 students.
Through increased accessibility and visibility of support, further planned activities and those that will be developed throughout the year, Mrs Brown will support students as they navigate life in and outside of School. We look forwarded to reporting on further developments throughout the year.