Primary Enrichment has been in full swing in School, with CSI before half term and Computational Thinking last week.
Who Broke Into Woodbridge School Labs?
Children from Year 5 at Birchwood Primary School joined us to investigate and solve the puzzle of who broke into our labs. This was an opportunity for them to investigate techniques to solve a crime, involving coding, problem solving skills, and lab techniques to search and analyse clues found at the scene of the crime. Working their way through various experiments from chromatography to decoding messages and pH testing they were able to identify the culprit!

Computational Thinking
Children from Year 4 at Easton Primary School, as well as those from Year 6 at Birchwood Primary joined us to explore a variety of computational thinking concepts, terms and techniques including algorithms, tinkering and debugging. The enthusiastic young engineers learnt all about Edison Bots and MicroBits in this exciting workshop which was supported by BT.

What do our cells look like?
During this Primary Enrichment workshop students from Year 5 at our Prep School swabbed their mouths in order to collect cheek cell samples which were then stained with Methylene Blue in order to observe under the microscope. Not only were students able to see individual cells, some were could see and identify the nucleus of a cell.