Having taken their exams in School for the first time since 2019, our Sixth Form students showed commitment and determination in their studies, their efforts rewarded with their excellent results.
82 students in total took A levels in School this year, and our students achieved the best A* rate in the county of Suffolk.
The breakdown below represents grades achieved in terms of percentages:
29% A*
60% A*- A
79% A*- B
92% A* – C
Two students received four A* grades
Seven students achieved three or more A* grades.
35 students achieved three or more A*-A grades (43% of the year).
Miss Norman commented, “Our students can be immensely proud of themselves and their achievements today, as am I. With the support of our School community, including teachers and our parent body, these fantastic results demonstrate the hard work our students have invested over the last two years, as well as to their resilience and commitment towards their personal destinations in life.
Given these have been the first formal assessments these students have taken in School under exam conditions, as they didn’t sit their GCSEs in School due to the pandemic, these results are testament to their hard work, self-belief and talent, as well as their resilience and commitment towards their personal destinations in life.
The result of two years’ determined dedication, and I take tremendous pride in having the privilege of sharing these results today, and of being part of the journey our students take through and beyond School, knowing that they will go on to do great things for themselves and others. Today really is the first day of the rest of their lives, I simply cannot wait to hear of their futures, their successes and the lives they go on to lead and enjoy.”
This year’s grades were awarded via formal examinations, for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic began in 2019. Having worked exceptionally hard on their return to the classroom students have demonstrated enthusiasm and passion for their studies through their examination success, deserving of their results the School and its teachers are incredibly proud of each and every one of them.
For our Head Boy and Head Girl, Mak and Lakisha, there was much to celebrate alongside their A level results.

Head Girl Lakisha who leaves us to study Law with Business at Exeter University, completed a two-step audition process with the National Youth Theatre of Great Britain earlier this year, resulting in her receiving an invitation to become a member.
“Taking Drama and Theatre Studies at A level was one of the best decisions I ever made. What really put the subject at the top for me was those within the department who knew the subject and the exam criteria inside and out. Drama not only built my confidence but aided my public speaking and eloquence meaning that in an interview room for either university or a job opportunity I was already at an advantage. I owe many of my accomplishments to the Woodbridge School drama department.
I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to audition, knowing the competition would be fierce and the chances of success low due to the number of applicants; being invited back and performing to and speaking with the Director of The National Youth Theatre Director about my theatrical experience to date was a wonderful experience.”
Completing the intake course for the National Youth Theatre this summer, including participation in workshops led by industry professionals, as an official member Lakisha will have access to a range of opportunities, from professional West End castings to London Fashion Week.
Congratulations Lakisha! An amazing opportunity to continue and pursue her passion for Drama and Theatrical Arts alongside her Law degree.
Introduced to competitive sport in Year 5 at Woodbridge, having now completed A levels our Head Boy Mak recently signed up with the U18 Scotland Rugby team, playing semi-pro. Mak attributes this success to his skills and game development over the years at School, encouraged and supported by his teachers and School community.
“I am confident that this would not have happened without the help of our supportive rugby department, who have helped me take my technical rugby skills and physical attributes to the next level over the last few years. The support I received at Woodbridge has played a role in motivating me to achieve greater heights academically and in rugby, with the end goal of playing at the highest level.”
Mak has also been successful in fighting off fierce competition throughout a rigorous selection process, to be offered the very rare opportunity of working as a GAP student at Harrow International School in Hong Kong alongside his semi-professional rugby contract.
Congratulations Mak! Very well deserved reward for an incredibly hard-working student and Head Boy at Woodbridge School.
If you’d like to find out more about studying A levels at Woodbridge School, our Open Evening takes place on Tuesday 11 October 2022. To find out more and register your place click here.