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O Brave New World – Year 9 Play, ‘The Tempest’

29 Jul 14

And brave Year 9 for your noble portrayal of The Tempest, full of the agonies of rivalry and treachery, and the ecstasies of love and redemption. Beautifully told in an outdoors dressed to perfection, the story unravelled like an anchor chain sent deeper than did ever plummet sound, resting only to secure the lovers to each other and regal Prospero once more to his Dukedom. There was despair, there was humour (poor Caliban combined the two); there was music, song and dance; there was storm and sunshine; but best of all there was a happy ending, for humans, spirits and monsters all – what a relief after the terror of the raging seas and the prospect of disaster. Congratulations to the cast, the crew, the directors and the weather on creating such a magical moment and weaving over your enthralled audience a spell worthy of Prospero and Ariel at their best.

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