It has been a good week this week!
Signs of spring are all around us and the first tentative steps out of lockdown are about to start. In assembly on Monday, I talked about the power of music and listening to ‘Thought for the Day’ on Radio 4 this morning, the exact same topic was discussed.
Music has the power to unlock emotions; to uplift and to comfort, to energise and to sooth. It is also an outlet for creativity and expression. The Arts are a vital part of our wellbeing and are, quite rightly, a core part of our education here at Woodbridge School Prep. Drama, Music and Art are integral to the curriculum, as we seek to ensure that the children are equipped with the tools that will allow them to lead happy and successful lives, with the ability to share their thoughts, develop resilience and express their emotions.

During lockdown, we have had the opportunity to realise what we value and to reflect on what we need to ensure that we have a healthy balance in our lives.

In a week’s time, that balance should start to be restored, as the children will be able to reconnect with friends, spend more time outdoors and have the ability to develop their shared interests, as part of the happy and vibrant community at School once more.
Best wishes,
Mrs Nicola Mitchell
Head of Woodbridge School Prep