Years ago, whilst at prep school, a piece of research was set based around interviewing our grandparents. I recall the enjoyment of discovering all sorts of stories connected to my grandfathers; hilarious backroom deals from my shopkeeper grandpa and slightly intimidating stories from my handlebar-moustache-sporting, RAF Squadron Leader grandfather. My grandmothers had their own intriguing and uplifting stories of ration books and living in Egypt during some challenging times.
It occurred to me recently that we are the interview subjects of the future for our own grandchildren. Many of us have seen huge changes in society in the 70s, 80s and 90s; we survived the Y2K and the promised computer meltdown that never occurred; we have learnt of tremendous turmoil, but also stories of hope, from around the world. Opinions have changed, discoveries have been made and mistakes are hopefully being learnt from. There is much potential. However, there is also the global pandemic. Who knows what else will occur in our lifetimes?
We have the ability to make a difference; through attitude and action, we can change events or at least make them seem better. My grandparents lived through incredibly challenging times but the stories I heard were ones of friendship, kinsmanship, care, help and positivity. Times are not easy at the moment, but we can and will learn positive lessons from our experiences.
What we will pass on in the future as memories from our time? Resilience, gratitude, positivity and kindness surely have to be lessons that we can all appreciate, now and in years to come.
Best wishes
Mrs Nicola Mitchell
Head of Woodbridge School Prep