Our end of season report comes from our Head of Academic PE and Netball, Miss Sanders.
It’s been a busy last two weeks on the netball front, with matches still being played until the last Wednesday of term with the U13A and U12A teams playing against East Bergholt.
The U13As along with the U16 and U14A teams should be congratulated on a superb and successful season – winning all of their league matches, which result in them being league champions, and the U12A team winning all of their matches this season, scoring a total of 302 goals and only conceding 66 – such a phenomenal achievement and a solid foundation for when they play in the South Suffolk League next year.
The U15C team enjoyed their only match of the season against RHS. Although it was a tough game, their efforts cannot be faulted. Eveny was awarded the player of the match for her tenacious defending – well done!
The juniors have enjoyed a plethora of matches this season and every girl in Year 7 and 8 has represented the School. The turnout at netball practice at lunchtimes has been amazing, with over 30 girls every week, which demonstrates their commitment, dedication and enjoyment of the sport. Well done, and thank you!
The 1st team won both their last two league matches against Northgate and St Jo’s B team with Ella P and Jess E being rewarded with the Players of the matches. We had the bare seven for Northgate, but the girls gave their all and had such a lovely match. For the last quarter of our match against St Jo’s, we fielded a Year 13 only team as it was the last school match the girls would be playing. The camaraderie demonstrated and teamwork was just perfect for this last game of their school career.

The U16A team finished off their brilliant season with a convincing win over Hadleigh High School 37-13. This season the whole team have come together and with the addition of Esme in the last couple of games, where she has been voted player of the game, the team have given their all. With Flo and Steph shooting, Ada, Libbie, Issy C, Lucy and Izzy M playing brilliantly in the centre and the defence of Freya and Elsa have been awesome. The highlights of the season were wins over Ipswich School, Ipswich High and Farlingaye. The girls have worked hard together and have been a pleasure to teach. Well done on becoming South Suffolk Champions too!

The U13As finished their excellent season with a win over East Bergholt 37-17 meaning they played 12 won 9, scored 247 goals and had a goal difference of 100 which is very encouraging for the future. With Scarlett, Lyrah and Bea in defence, Lily, Aurelia, Margot, Charlie (missing from the photo) and Liya in the centre of the court and Millie and Eloise shooting they are a force to be reckoned with and have come on so much this season. With wins over Orwell Park, Ipswich School, Culford, Ipswich High School and RHS, the girls should be proud of themselves. Well done girls and South Suffolk Champions to boot!
We have a few match reports to include in our end of season round up, for our U12A and U14B teams too.

Woodbridge U12A v East Bergholt, 42-11, Player of the match: Felicity
This was the last game in the season for the U12A team, and what a game it was! Picking positions out of the team bag and playing cards to decide who would be playing made it even more exciting for the last match. With six out of the team of eight playing a shooting position, we scored the most amount of goals in a game ever – 42, which is amazing! Amelie, Georgia, Izzy, Felicity, Annie, Eva, Rosie & Pip all played an important part in this match and enjoyed every minute of playing in different positions. Player of the match was awarded to Felicity and the final score 42–11. The U12A team are undefeated this season and they should be proud of their achievements. They have been a delight to coach and watch grow and develop as players and a joy to work with. Thank you so much, girls! Also, a massive thank you to all the supporters on the side line during the season – you have been brilliant!

Woodbridge U14B Netball match v RHS, 24-17, Player of the match: Ella
The U14B had a very competitive netball match against RHS. The score was even after the first quarter, but Woodbridge pulled away to 15-9 after the second quarter. The third quarter was even but Woodbridge continued to pull away slightly to finish 24-17. Ella was voted Player of the match by the opposition, and she was instrumental in many of the goals scored. That said, there was some great play by the squad of eight players: Eve, Lily, Nancy, Alice, Tabitha, Lilianna, and Rose.

Woodbridge U14B Netball match v Finborough, 23-10. Player of the match: Tabby
The U14B team finished their season strongly with a 23-10 win over Finborough. Missing centre Lily due to illness Lilianna and Rose stepped into the role making great passes through the centre third. Tabby was yet again voted player of the match from the opposition, and they also gave special mention to Ella whose sharp shooting scored over half the goals. Eve and Alice also worked very hard in defence to turn the ball around. A great season with 193 goals scored, playing 10 matches and winning eight.
I would like to thank every single student who has played netball this season, whether in friendly or league matches. It has been such an enjoyable season and an extremely successful one, so well done!