On Saturday Woodbridge School astro hosted its first National League hockey match, when Ipswich Hockey Club Ladies 1st team was forced to move their match against Teddingdon HC at the last minute. The move also proved to be a lucky charm as Ipswich HC won the game, scoring from a corner after the final whistle.
We are delighted to have hosted this England Hockey National League East Conference match, and it was lovely to welcome the players and supporters into our School community.

A steady stream of spectators watched the game which featured our very own Year 10’s Charlie and Old-Woodbridgian, Georgia Harrold, with the team being coached by Head of Hockey, Mrs Rix.
A further shoutout to so many of our students and staff who featured for their club hockey teams this weekend. It is great seeing so many out playing for Ipswich and East Suffolk (IES), Colchester HC, Felixstowe HC, Ipswich HC, Sudbury HC and Magpies, to name just a few.