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Music to Our Ears – Music News

8 Aug 14

Not only have we enjoyed hearing the strains of music from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ floating through The Abbey corridors, but we have also become aware of the amazing musical talent our pupils have as they practise for lunchtime recitals, end of term service, music exams and just for pure enjoyment. More and more pupils are taking up their instruments and discovering all that music has to offer. This term alone 26 children entered the Trinity and the Associated Board music exams and the Trinity results came in with all Merits and Distinctions. We are still waiting in anticipation for the Associated Board results, but well done to everyone who entered and passed with great results. We were also lucky to welcome Ms Susan Collier from the Strings Department of the Royal Academy of Music to be our adjudicator for the wonderful Stringtastic day, ending with a fantastic Showcase provided by the soloists and ensembles. Many congratulations also to our younger players who have enjoyed the Year 3 string curriculum year which ended with a lovely orchestral performance to celebrate the end of a very successful year. I am very hopeful that many of the children will continue with their lessons next year.

Mrs Parker

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