Our Woodbridge School MUN Society travelled to RHS for the ROYMUN conference last weekend. Year 12’s Kitt reported on the conference.
Kitt, Year 12
On the 20 and 21 May, the Woodbridge School MUN society went to RHS for the ROYMUN conference held there every year. Representing China, the students took part in many exciting and compelling debates with topics ranging from the use of weaponised drones, the issues of populism and nationalism, to how to promote economic and social inclusion for refugees.
Each member of the team debated their issues persuasively and with great research skills to back their arguments up. On the Security Council, the topic of Environmental Aid was brought up and two resolutions were debated, with the delegates for China, myself, and Russia, vetoing the more extreme of the two resolutions.
On the Human Rights committee the delegate for China, Year 9’s Bea, made it her mission to get as many countries as possible to join the ‘New China’ alliance, almost ending in both the massive expansion and dissolvement of the country, as well as passionately debating the treatment of refugees in both eastern and western countries.
In the politics committee another delegate, Year 12’s James, debated the idea of populism and nationalism from the perspective of a previously communist country effectively and professionally.

The environment committee focused on sustainable urbanisation and fast fashion. The delegates of China and Iraq, Year 9’s Izzie and Jack, debated the economic gain for less developed countries and their people when compared to the environmental effects caused by fast fashion.
In the World Health Organization, year 7’s Oscar, debated many difficult topics such as euthanasia, and when the crisis of AI infecting humans and controlling their limbs came up, the committee dealt with it swiftly and effectively through the use of EMP blasts.
Finally, in the disarmament committee, Year 8’s Maxim, debated the use of Autonomous Weaponry, which, as the largest producer of Autonomous Weaponry in the world, our delegate for China gave an interesting and well thought out perspective to.
Woodbridge School came away from the conference extremely successfully with three delegates being commended, one being highly commended, and another given best delegate in their committee. The MUN Society came away from the conference having learnt new debating skills, more about world politics, and a truly wonderful experience.