During this week’s Model United Nations Club in School, which is already proving to very popular, students had the opportunity to simulate a UN press conference. Small groups were assigned a country and the activity involved researching key contemporary political, social and economic events.
This research was presented by each group from the point of view of their government, and groups were asked to answer questions about that research in a press conference format /style.
Highlights included the French government representative group being forced to justify the relatively limited ambitions of their resettlement scheme for Afghan refugees, while representatives of the Taliban government of Afghanistan were aggressively questioned regarding their claim that violence is not their policy and that women have basic rights.
It was a superb effort by all involved, well done to all that attended and presented. A particularly good activity for students in their last two years of secondary education, with universities valuing MUN extremely highly when considering applications, students can join us every Tuesday at 1.45pm in T21.