With a less than two weeks until As You Like It is performed by our Year 9 students, we met up with Touchstone, otherwise known as Ed to talk about his preparation for the auditions and excitement for his performance.
Rehearsing with Miss Mayes under the shade of the trees on an exceptionally warm and humid Monday, Ed explained first how he prepared for the auditions, “It’s always a scary and anxious process auditioning, so I made sure I did everything I could to be prepared and do my very, very best!” He continued,
“I took the script home, learned the lines and facetimed the student I was working alongside in my audition, to make sure we planned how we were going to play the parts, discuss the stage direction and ensure we showed our best capability in the audition.”

His preparation certainly paid off and was rewarded with him confirmed as playing the part of Touchstone in the play. He commented,
“I was extremely happy to get the part of Touchstone, it was actually the role I wanted most.”
Previously performed by the likes of David Tenant who made his debut as the character at the RSC, Touchstone is the court jester in As You Like It, his character offering commentary throughout so supporting the audience’s understanding of the play. Recognising the importance of this character Ed added,
“He’s a really unusual and challenging character, and very important in the scheme of things – as are all the characters – but I’m aware he’s quite a coveted part to play which just added to the excitement of it all for me.”
Having chosen Drama as one of his GCSEs, Ed hopes to progress and study the subject at A level too, and his performance in this year’s Shakespeare On The Lawn is something he’s looking forward to very much.
“I’m hoping to bring some comedy to the production, using previous experience of acting and performing. I’m also going to put my own spin on things, on how I say and perform the lines, using different elements of body language, gestures and props to make sure the audience connects with the character and enjoys him too!”

Under the firm direction of Miss Mayes, who provides feedback, suggestions and encouragement throughout, rehearsals are taking place daily, throughout the School day, afterwards and on weekends. The commitment and dedication of our School community for this performance is immense and certainly to be admired – great practice for our young actors as they begin their journey in performing, which quite possibly will extend into their Sixth Form studies and possibly beyond.
Taking place on our Chapel lawn on 4 and 5 July, tickets can be found via the Seckford Theatre.