December is indoor Hockey time in the UK, unlike the rest of Europe where a few months are dedicated to this highly skillful, fast-moving and high scoring version of the game.
A number of our junior indoor Hockey players have been in action, playing for their respective clubs at the UK Indoor Tournament in Nottingham over the New Year’s weekend. Apart from improving skills, gaining knowledge and experiencing the excellent facilities at the university, our players also tasted success! This is a national event with top clubs from across the country as well as ‘all star’ teams taking part in various age groups.

A massive congratulations to Year 7’s Max who was part of the Harleston Magpies U12 team, and who won the U12 National title! A superb achievement with Max playing a big part. More local success came via the Ipswich U14 girls team, featuring Year 8’s India J and Lottie S, unbeaten in the plate section on the last day of the competition.

Year 8’s Joseph and Otto represented Ipswich U14 boys, learning lots, playing a year up in a challenging tournament. Well done to each of these players.
And last Friday, on a bright and fresh afternoon, a committed group of senior boys took on the elements for their pre-season training. The focus of the day was all about ‘first touch’, earning the right to score, angles, height and avoiding contact – so much progress and fun. Thanks to each of the players who made the effort to attend and good luck for the season ahead. It’s going to be a busy one as ever, which will see us field two senior teams again.