Students have been meeting with Miss Norman for tea and cake, recognising various team events and personal accomplishments in School this week, to celebrate their Head’s Commendation. This reward is recognised throughout School as not only a treat but an opportunity to share and celebrate your success with others, and something students and Miss Norman look forward to enormously.
Last Friday, Year 11’s Phoebe, Eloise and Ellen, alongside Year 12’s Izzy and Year 13’s Amy received and celebrated their Head’s Commendation for achieving third place in the Regional Finals of the cross country cup, going through to the National Finals which take place on 3 December.
Meanwhile Year 7’s Ella joined Miss Norman for tea and cake to celebrate her fabulous efforts with Inktober earlier in the School year; students were invited to create and share a drawing in ink for ech day of October.
Having prepared and presented a superb short lecture for Year 10 students on Of Mice And Men, Year 12’s Sophie, Lala, Jack, Isla and Rufus were invited to receive their Head’s Commendation this week; while Year 12’s Amy, Faith, Xander, Lulu and Arthur were joined by Year 13’s Henry, Sasha, Isla, George and Marnie to recognise their superb help in creating the Art department’s video.

And finally, several students joined Miss Norman to celebrate their contributions to the English Essay competition. Year 11’s Bea won first place, with an essay on the way human failings are explored in Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. Year 10’s Katie was the runner-up, with a fascinating essay exploring the way power is shown to be dangerous in two highly contrasting texts. Year 11’s James, Amelie and Ellen also joined Miss Norman, having provided excellent entries for the competition.