What a week!
As disruptive as extreme weather can be, the snow has certainly brought a level of excitement and difference to what is turning into a long time of necessary restrictions and limitations.

Mrs Martin commented this morning that we are officially half way through the school year and, despite the obvious disruption, time does seem to be going by quickly.

On Monday we talked about Superheroes, and the challenge for the half term ahead is for each child to be their own superhero away from work. The children have adapted so well and are really developing their independence and determination so they are becoming their own best advocate for their school work. Now is the week to do something different.
We have a challenge to help the children get out and about and maintain their levels of exercise.
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I have also challenged them to look after their environments and be mindful of what is around them. Pick up that litter (with all necessary safety precautions), send a neighbour a note, call a family member, be charitable – switch off the screens and be active this coming week. It is important that the children feel that this half term really is a break for them and not just more of the same.
We look forward to seeing the children on line on 22 February when, like you, we will be waiting to hear the plans for the return to school.
Have a lovely week and thank you for all your support and encouragement thus far. The staff have really appreciated it.

Best wishes,
Mrs Nicola Mitchell
Head of Woodbridge School Prep