On Monday, A level Drama and Theatre Studies students, alongside scholars from Years 10 and 11, took part in a Frantic Assembly workshop in School. Year 13’s Florence reports on the workshop, and we’ll share more details of the students’ theatre trip to The Mercury to see the play after half term.

Year 13’s Florence
On Monday, A level Drama and Theatre Studies students, alongside scholars from Years 10 and 11, were privileged to participate in a Frantic Assembly workshop, kindly provided for us by the Drama department.
The workshop was over the course of two hours and our work was centred around Frantic Assembly’s new adaptation of Kafka’s Metamorphosis. We participated in a range of different activities, such as learning how to do lifts, before later incorporating these into a devised sequence. We also worked in groups using Frantic Assembly’s ‘Building Block’ technique to begin developing a story, using stylised movement without dialogue, which everyone greatly enjoyed.
Working with Frantic Assembly helped us develop skills in physical theatre movement, exposing us to tools and techniques which can later be incorporated into our own pieces; a key part of our GCSE and A level exams.
It was an eye-opening experience, and, as a Year 13 studying Metamorphosis, it served a great purpose in deepening my understanding of the play, alongside Frantic Assembly’s devising and performing style.