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Home > News and Events > Fitzgerald Society – December 2018

Fitzgerald Society – December 2018

14 Dec 18

Over the last two weeks, members of the FitzGerald Society (Woodbridge’s Junior Oxbridge Programme) have been meeting to discuss James Whorton, The Arsenic Century. Pupils considered the mass use of arsenic in wallpaper and fabric colourants, as well as modern analogies. The level of industrial poisoning in Victorian times caused some surprise, as well as the ease with which arsenic was added to beer, sweets and cakes. Fortunately, the cake which graced our proceedings was guaranteed arsenic-free…

The next FitzGerald event will be the Alan Turing Cryptography Competition, run by the University of Manchester. This will be followed by a moot (mock law trial). Logic puzzles and problem-solving books are also available to borrow over Christmas.

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