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Field Day October 2024

18 Oct 24

Our Field Day last Friday saw students from Year 7 to 13 take part in a host of different Seckford Scheme activities, as has become tradition in School twice each year.    

Year 7 students took part in calligraphy lessons, participating in the exercise of Ba Duan Jin and made music in drumming lessons.  Year 8 students took part in self-defence and first aid, while Year 9 Army and RAF cadets visited Duxford, where they had the chance to board Concorde and other aircraft, as well as seeing planes on the runway.  

Our Climbing Group visited Highball Climbing Centre in Norwich and tried out new and different climbs, and our older cadets headed off on exciting overnights.  Our respective Heads of Sections report below. 

Year 13’s Ollie, Head of Army, Colour Sergeant  

At 0900 hours the advanced party of NCOs left for RAF Barnham, this early start allowed them to set up for the different stands and recce the ground. Later the rest of the cadets arrived.  

Having been split into platoons under both mine and Year 13’s Oscar’s command they set up in the harbour areas – before we lost the light.  Following the ambush recce earlier in the day, we briefed our platoons and rehearsed the ambush.  Under the cover of darkness, the two platoons left for their separate ambush locations.  Shivering in the cold we didn’t have to wait too long for the enemy to appear and we sprung our ambushes. With mission complete we patrolled back to the harbour areas and settled in for a extremely cold night under the stars.  

The following morning the cadets rotated through five different stands: CQB (close quarter battles), stalk, observation, navigation, and defensive position.  Each of these stands presented a unique challenge allowing the section commanders to show their resilience and adaptability with each task and demonstrating their leadership skills alongside their 2IC.  The most challenging stand, the defensive position, required organisation while under pressure with the section 2IC ensuring that things ran smoothly, keeping a track of ammunition while defending their position from the enemy.  

Overall, the two days were a success providing everyone with valuable experience in leadership, and the cadets in teamwork and tactical operations allowing them to get a taste of high stakes exercises that challenge you both mentally and physically.  Most importantly a special mention to the staff and NCOs who allow this can go ahead and run smoothly.  

Alongside the Army overnight, Navy cadets sailed out from the historic Gosport Marina, Year 13’s Ewan reports:  

Year 13’s Ewan, Head of Navy 

Navy cadets sailed – and motorboated – out from the historic Gosport Marina, manoeuvring past impressive vessels such as the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth and Admiral Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory.  Leaving Gosport, the cadets navigated their way across The Solent, showing initiative by helping to plan their route to account for the distinct tides surrounding the Isle of White, and using their knotting skills to tie up the fenders and stow the sheets.    

After spending the night sheltered in Cowes, the cadets woke up early to sally out into the strait and perform some boating exercises. By midday, the cadets enjoyed a picnic on the water and made their way back to Gosport in the afternoon.   

A good experience for all, with many new memories made.  

 Year 13’s Hugh, Head of RAF 

The RAF Cadets had a superb Field Day, as we always do, having the opportunity to take part in lots of different activities throughout the day. 

We thoroughly enjoyed Laser Quest, it’s always a firm favourite with everyone, but it was also great to have the chance to take part in air rifle shooting, paintball, gun run, a confidence course and zip wire.  We were all really pleased to achieve new records on gun run – as well as the confidence course! 

It was a busy but exciting day for RAF Cadets, thanks go to everyone involved including the students as well as teachers that made this possible. 

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