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Fantastic Five Receive Oxbridge Offers

26 Jan 17

Five students from Woodbridge School Sixth Form are thrilled to receive offers from Britain’s most prestigious universities. The successful students have each received conditional offers to read their chosen subjects at either Oxford or Cambridge universities from September 2017.

Oxford University offers went to James Bellhouse to study History at St Hughes College, Sophie Read to study Experimental Psychology at Brasenose College, and George King to study English at Lincoln College. Cambridge University offers went to Lydia Cook to study Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Peterhouse, and Poppy Hill to study Classics at Jesus College. Poppy received her A Level results in July and is currently enjoying a gap year travelling abroad.

The five students, four of whom are currently working towards their A-Levels, had to submit a written application and undergo an interview before hearing about their offer. As well as their academic ability, the pupils had to demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving abilities and a keen understanding of their chosen subject.

Four of the students have been at Woodbridge since the very start of their school lives. Congratulations to all!

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