Last Thursday was indeed a delight as our Evening Of Music For Lower Strings took place. Mrs Kent reports on the musicians and the music.
Mrs Kent, Director of Music
Well what a treat the Evening Of Music For Lower Strings was last Thursday with the cello and double bass department, ably lead by Miss Nadia Alzapiedi at the helm.
The evening kicked off with a schmaltzy version of Singing in the Rain for Cellisti, our choir of cellists (yes there is such a thing!) which was followed by eleven assured solos from across all year groups. There were, of course, the obligatory visits to Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals with both the Swan (Year 11’s James) and Elephant (Year 7’s Barnaby) making an appearance.
Mrs Fearnley, along with Year 12’s Jasmine and Miss Alzapeidi wooed us with a romantic Requiem for three cellos and piano by Popper. Another highlight of the evening was Jasmine’s epic rendition of the Brahms Sonata, featuring the ever-dexterous Mrs Spicer-Winand on the piano.
The evening concluded as it had begun, with Cellisti, who wowed us all with their Mexican Hat Dance which was encored at break-neck speed just for the hell of it – and why not!