After what can only be described as an extremely successful season all the teams should be congratulated on their effort, determination and commitment during the season; all involved should be proud of what they have achieved.
With 18 competitive teams, this only goes to demonstrate the sheer depth of talent and skill we have at Woodbridge, and thanks go to all the coaches for their hard work, support and commitment – these achievements wouldn’t have been possible without them!
The Year 7 and 8 netballers should be particularly congratulated on their dedication to netball training, as on most Thursday lunchtimes, an average of 40 plus girls have been attending, which is the most we have ever had at training, and so that commitment should be commended.
In the last week of the Lent term, both the U12A and U12B teams played in tournaments and were crowned winners! These tournaments influence and indicate which leagues both teams will play in next year at U13 level.

Alongside this news of success, dedication and commitment, we are also now able to confirm league results, and continue those congratulations. Our U13A team came 1st out of seven in their respective league (A league) and the U13B team were 4th in the same league, a massive achievement as all matches were against other schools’ A teams!
Our U14A, U15A, U15B and U16A teams were all 1st in their respective leagues and the U19s were 3rd.
Well done to all involved throughout the season, and bring on the next!