Our Careers Fair took place in School last weekend on Saturday 12 November, with students and parents from Years 7 to 13 invited to attend. Mr Richardson, Head of Careers at Woodbridge School reported on the event.
Stuart Richardson, Head of Careers
The organisation of the event felt very much like the organising of a party; you spend months planning, and organising, and ensuring everything is ready, to then on the day, waiting with bated breath for the exhibitors to arrive.
They arrive and you let out a mini sign of relief, one part of the puzzle has fallen in place!
Whilst the exhibitors set up and make themselves comfortable, familiarising themselves with their surroundings, you then start the anticipated wait to see if all the hard work and preparation has paid off – ultimately if anyone will attend.
10am comes around and the doors open and public arrived! The final sigh of relief, we have a Careers Fair!
After many months of hard work, our Careers Fair successfully launched! Our first since the pandemic and it was fantastic. We had over 40 exhibitors from various organisations including universities, colleges, institutes, business charities and public sector organisations, and the event was extremely well attended by both our own students, as well as many others from local schools.
We thank you all for your support and can’t wait to welcome you to our next one in 2024!