Last Friday, 5 May 2023, our annual CCF inspection took place with Miss Norman and our Senior Cadet, Year 13’s Alex, welcoming Reviewing Officer Colonel Jez Robinson Royal Engineers into School for what was set to be a fantastic showcase of all facets of the Woodbridge School Combined Cadet Force.

The weather was challenging, and caused some anxiety as it threatened to potentially impact the entire afternoon, but then the rain (and hail!) cleared, just in time for the parade to begin, where Colonel Robinson’s inspected the contingent.
Along with the guests he then watched displays by the Corps of Drums, the RAF drill team and the Army section Combat Cadet team.

All attendees, including parents, special guests and several OWs, then had the opportunity to tour the grounds and see our CCF activities in action; including the confidence course, climbing wall, zip wire, paintballing, axe throwing, raft building, low ropes and flight simulator.
Everyone then gathered to watch the gun run competition which is the final event of the Trower Trophy, our inter-section competition. With three teams all on 18 points there was everything to compete for. But in the end A Flight from the RAF section were the first team home – and that meant that they also won the overall Trower Trophy.
The afternoon finished with the final parade, and a chance for Colonel Robinson to address the cadets and present the following prizes:
- Winners of the gun run: A flight, RAF section
- Overall Trower Trophy winners: A flight, RAF section
A lot of preparation and hard work goes into running an event like this, and with this in mind special thanks have to go to our officers commanding each section; Lt Bradshaw, Royal Navy section, Capt Capjon, Army section and Flight Lieutenant Tattoo, RAF section. Behind the scenes our School Staff Instructor, Warrant Officer Stollery put in a huge shift in setting up all the equipment, but more importantly ensuring that all our cadets were kitted out in the correct uniform, looking smart and had practiced their drill.
Regardless of their future career choices or pathways taken, the CCF at Woodbridge School provides all students with an opportunity to develop their powers of leadership through training that promotes responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance, perseverance and a sense of service. All our committed cadets and dedicated staff should be proud of this excellent display across all sections. Thank you to everyone that took part of contributed in any way.