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+44 (0)1394 382673
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Inspection Reports

An external, impartial appraisal of a school’s activities, outcomes and standards, enables considered, informed decisions about education provision for children. Our most recent inspection rated Woodbridge School as ‘Double Excellent’; excellent in all areas across our Pre-Prep, Prep, Senior School, Boarding and Sixth Form.

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Report, 2023

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the independent, government-approved body responsible for the inspection of schools in membership of the Association of the Independent Schools Council (ISC).

The inspection, which is for the benefit of the students, seeks to improve the quality and effectiveness of their education and of the care for their welfare – the equivalent of an Ofsted inspection for an independent school.

In our most recent inspection, March 2023, Woodbridge School received the rating ‘Double Excellent’.

This is the highest rating that can be achieved, confirming that having observed all aspects of life at our Pre-Prep, Prep, Senior School, Boarding and Sixth Form, as well as having interviewed students and staff, the School has been rated as ‘Excellent’ in all areas.

View the 2023 report

Any queries?

Day Admissions

Lucy Flack (Day Admissions Manager)
Tel: 01394 615041

Boarding Admissions

Emma Rutterford (Boarding & International Admissions Manager)
Tel: +44 (0)1394 615041

Prep and Pre-Prep Admissions

Karen Virr (Prep Head PA & Prep Admissions)
Tel: 01394 382673

The School is an ‘environment of academic endeavour and curiosity’
‘pupils show notable self-confidence without any hint of arrogance.’
From the 2023 ISI Report
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