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Home > About Woodbridge School > Our Aims and Values

Our Aims and Values

With clear aims and values, we have the direction, inspiration and motivation to achieve great things – both individually and as an educational community.

We give students a love of learning, and a love of life

Woodbridge School’s aims and values are evident in everything we do and say, helping everyone at the School to become the best versions of themselves.

Being kind, confident and respectful comes naturally to students, and their curiosity, enthusiasm and persistence are rewarded with excellent outcomes. Everyone will grow into the person they are meant to be.

Our aims

To know each student to make them feel valued and understood.
To challenge students with a stimulating school environment where they can grow into kind, confident, capable adults.
To provide a range of opportunities which enable every student to further their potential, enjoy their learning and achieve the best possible academic outcomes.
To inspire students to emerge as intellectually curious and resilient young people with leadership skills, who will add value to the community.

Our values

Everyone will know a member of our community by the respect they show for others and their behaviour in general.

This is shaped by the four values ingrained in all our actions: character, kindness, community and excellence. How do they show up in daily life?

1. Character through self-belief and respect

Leading by example, we enable students to be self-aware and develop confidence without arrogance. We encourage individual thought and new ideas, reward perseverance and help people to feel comfortable in their own skin.


  • Challenging and being challenged; throwing ourselves into new things; pushing ourselves and others out of comfort zones.
  • Acting as a ‘radiator’ – filling a room with energy and enthusiasm from the moment we walk in.
  • Practising resilience; never giving up on a goal we believe in despite obstacles, setbacks or being knocked down.
  • Being responsible for our actions and environment. Owning mistakes, creating positive situations and celebrating success.

2. Kindness as a part of everyday life

Born out of empathy, kindness is at the heart of all our behaviours. Every member of our community has the confidence to consider other people, see things from another’s perspective and care about their outcomes.


  • Practising good manners: asking how people are, holding doors, not pushing through; not talking with a mouthful; helping when people drop things, etc.
  • Always having time for individual needs, doing the ‘right’ thing and providing help when it’s needed.
  • Taking a non-combative approach – having the self-confidence to think and talk through issues rather than react defensively.
  • Being kind to ourselves and acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes. How can we put things right and do better in future?

3. Community for mutual support

We have a responsibility both to our own community and that around us. We support each other and open up the privilege of a private education to a wider public, regardless of background, in keeping with The Seckford Foundation’s principles.


  • Inviting people into the school and greeting visitors in a caring, engaging way that makes a positive first impression.
  • Reaching out into the town and surrounding region for partnerships and collaborations, as well as offering support.
  • Looking after and appreciating each other; recognising individual talents, enabling people to voice opinions and wanting everyone to succeed.
  • Fostering good relationships and creating friendships that last a lifetime by sending kind, confident people out into the world.

4. Excellence in our approach

Excellence is not a final outcome we constantly chase, but the process of continually trying to better ourselves. It’s an attitude throughout our journey that reflects self-belief, passion, inspiration and focus. From this process, excellence follows.


  • Embracing fresh thinking and variety. Encouraging people to take every opportunity and try all activities in the quest to identify what they are good at and love.
  • Contributing to school life, joining groups, helping out, getting involved, leaning into activities and being a proactive member of the community.
  • Enabling people to achieve excellent academic grades as well as amass a range of valuable transferable life skills.
  • Trying your best, whatever your level. Adopting a creative, positive attitude; always challenging yourself, always learning. Nobody is a finished article.

Want to book a visit or make an enquiry? Please get in touch.

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