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Woodbridge School Prep Launches New ‘Takeaways’ Taster Lessons

19 Dec 20

18th December 2020

Woodbridge School Prep has put together a series of 13 taster lessons – called ‘Takeaways’ – which it has filmed and placed on its website, for any parents to be able to enjoy with their children during the Christmas holidays.

Parents can look at the ‘menu’ of taster lessons on a dedicated section of the Woodbridge School website, make their selection and ‘take away’ as many as they like!

Children can try leaf hunting with Miss Start from the Prep, singing along with Mrs Petts and learning how to build a campfire safely with Mrs Cox-Olliff. 

Nicola Mitchell, Head of Woodbridge School Prep, said: 

“At Woodbridge School Prep, we wanted to put together a programme of activities and taster lessons that we could share with all of our community, to keep children stimulated and occupied while they are away from school during the Christmas break.

“These free taster lessons, led by our excellent teachers at the Prep, will give parents and little ones a feel for the rich range of skills that we teach, as part of our wide and varied curriculum.”

The full list of ‘Takeaways’ – accessible to all – is as follows:

  1. Mrs Bedford’s ‘Peppermint Polar Bears’.
  2. Mrs Cox-Olliff builds a campfire in the Forest School.
  3. Mrs Duehring and the ‘Incy Wincy Spider’.
  4. Mrs Duncan’s seasonal leaves.
  5. Mrs King and the letter ‘S’.
  6. Mrs Martin’s ‘Dancing Raisins’.
  7. Singing along with Mrs Petts.
  8. Mrs Scoggins and Curious Crab have an animal game for us to enjoy.
  9. Mrs Smith and Busy Bee tell us a story.
  10. Mrs Spalding’s socks.
  11. Miss Start goes leaf hunting.
  12. Mrs Verona and the magical Spanish colours.
  13. Mr Wheelhouse and the Sports Challenge.
To view Woodbridge School Prep’s selection of 13 exciting ‘Takeaways’, visit https://www.woodbridgeschool.org.uk/takeaways/

All 13 ‘Takeaways’ videos can also be viewed on the Woodbridge School YouTube channel at  www.YouTube.com/user/WoodbridgeSchool

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